
Tianjin university is a national key university directly under the ministry of education, its predecessor was the northern university, was founded in October 2, 1895, is the first university in Chinese modern history, has a reputation for the school motto of "seek truth from facts" and "rigorous scholarship, strict teaching requirements" of the school spirit and enjoys a good reputation at home and abroad. Grammar is the liberal arts college of tianjin university, school of construction at home and abroad well-known high-level university history in school plays an irreplaceable important role in the process.

The college undergraduate major include English, Chinese language and literature. The Level 1 subject graduate include English language and literature, Chinese language and literature. The professional master degree is translation.

SFLL consists of 112 experienced faculty members and qualified staff members. Among the 100 faculty members there are 3 professors, 44 associate professors and over 50 senior teachers with a background of studying or teaching abroad. In the past five years, the school has recruited 7 part-time professors. SFLL is not only committed to teaching undergraduate and graduate courses within the school, but also responsible for the public English courses for undergraduates, graduates and doctoral students from other schools as well as most optional courses related to cultural quality education.

The English Department

Tel: 022-27405174 Extension 605

Founded in 1981, the English Department is one of the first batch of English departments established in China’s key universities of science and engineering.

It was formerly known as English for science and technology, aiming to take the advantages of Tianjin University as an engineering school to cultivate compound talents.

It has 2 master programs: Foreign Language and Applied Linguistics, and Master of Translation and Interpreting (MTI).

It provides a wealth of international exchange programs for students.

Qualified students could apply for minor degrees of other disciplines in SFLL or other schools of Tianjin University.

The English Department, formerly known as English for Science and Technology, is one of the first batch of English departments established in China’s key universities of science and engineering. Now it has developed into a high-level department with master programs in Foreign Language and Applied Linguistics and MTI. The English department now has 14 teachers, including 1 professor, 8 associate professors and 8 teachers with a Ph. D degree. In addition, the department has recruited several part-time professors and foreign teachers. The English Department is equipped with modern teaching and research facilities, such as advanced language laboratory, simultaneous interpretation classroom, computer aided translation (CAT) and etc.


Excellent professional skills: In virtue of outstanding teachers and modern teaching facilities, the English Department pays attention to consolidating students’ knowledge foundation and enhancing their practical skills. In the annual TEM 4 and TEM 8 tests, the students’ first-time passing rate is higher than the national average by 40%.

Multidisciplinary study: Taking Tianjin University's advantage in science and engineering, the department lays emphasis on multidisciplinary study covering science and engineering, business, finance, management and other subjects while highlights characteristics of English for science and technology to cultivate a number of compound talents.


The department aims to cultivate students who are capable of meeting the demands of the society with their solid English language foundation, outstanding English skills and great scientific literacy and innovative spirit.

Core curriculum:

Besides the core subjects including English listening, speaking, reading, writing, lexicology, stylistics, linguistics, and the British and American literature, the English department also provides optional subjects including Western culture, cross-cultural communication, foreign newspaper and journal reading, English for science and technology (EST) reading, speech skills, business English and international finance and etc. In particular, the department established a number of science and engineering courses, such as advanced mathematics, college physics, computer fundamentals, computer software technology, scientific and technological literature retrieval and utilization. These courses are taught in English and Chinese with original English textbooks. The diversity of subjects cultivate students’ research ability and creativity, strengthen their English language foundation, enhance their practical English skills, broaden their horizons and improve their humanity and science quality.

The Department of Chinese Language and Literature

Tel: 022-27405174 Extension 605

The Department of Chinese Language and Literature was founded in 1997, and began its enrollment in 1998. It is one of an early batch of Chinese language and literature departments established in China’s key universities of science and engineering. There are 13 full-time faculty members, including 10 teachers who hold senior titles and 12 teachers who have got doctoral degrees. In addition, the department also recruit 5 part-time professors. In recent years, teachers of the department have published more than 100 papers in China’s major academic journals, and many influential academic monographs. They have also successfully applied for many provincial, ministerial and national level scientific research projects organized and sponsored by the State the Ministry of Education, the NOCFL, the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, and the Tianjin Municipal Government.


With a strong academic atmosphere and high-level learning platform, the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of Tianjin University emphasizes on the Chinese language foundation, and highlights students’ language application skills. It focuses on interaction with other disciplines such as news, media, foreign language, art, law, management, education, science, engineering and so on, to spread the ideas on Chinese classical literature, language and culture. It advocates the realistic learning culture of understanding and serving the society and adheres to the teaching principle of equipping students with solid Chinese language foundation, broad knowledge and prominent skills.


The department aims to cultivate compound talents who are able to meet the needs of the development of the modern society. Students are expected to have strong professional skills such as language skills, literary appreciation ability, cultural communication ability, media skills, learning ability, innovation ability and social adaptability. and also have moral and mental quality including good personality, correct outlook on life, positive working attitude, good team consciousness, national identity and international perspective.

Core curriculum:

Besides the core subjects such as Ancient Chinese Literature, Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature, Foreign Literature, Study of Literature and Art, Aesthetics, Writing, Modern Chinese, Ancient Chinese, An Introduction to Linguistics, Chinese Culture, Language Communication and etc., the department also provides subjects related to media including news interviewing, news writing, news introduction and an introduction to communication.

Address:Yaguan Road 135, Haihe Education Park, Jinnan District, Tianjin, China.

Post Code:300350 Email:sfll@tju.edu.cn

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