College English Department I

Liu Lei


Name:Liu Lei

Department:College English Department I

Professional Title:Lecturer

Research Area:Translation Theory and Practice

1.Curriculum Vitae


Lecturer of English

Ms. Liu’s passion for language learning led her to an academic career as an English teacher. She aims to explore the fields of English teaching and relevant research and is willing to share the happiness of language learning with her students.

2.Education Background

Master degree, School of Foreign Languages and Literature, 2011.

3.Positions & Employments

2011- present: College English Teaching Department I, School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Tianjin University.


College English

Oral English

Movie Appreciation

English Video-Aural-Oral Course

5.Academic achievements

Herder’s Translation and Philosophy

6.Honors & Awards

Third Prize in The 7th SFLEP National Foreign Language Teaching Contest (Tianjin Division)

7.Contact Information

To be updated

上一条:Jiang Bin

Address:Yaguan Road 135, Haihe Education Park, Jinnan District, Tianjin, China.

Post Code:300350

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