Foreign Languages and Literatures

Wang Yufeng


Name:Wang Yufeng

Department:Chinese Department

Professional Title:Associate Professor

Research Area:Comparative Linguistics, Dialectology and Sociolinguistics

1.Curriculum Vitae


Associate Professor of Chinese, member of Tianjin Language Institute

Ms. Wang’s main research areas are Comparative Linguistics, Dialectology and Sociolinguistics. She has presided over one MOE social science project, as well as six national, MOE, Tianjin and TJU social science projects. She has published over ten academic papers on key Chinese journals. She is a master supervisor and has directed over 30 graduates with their theses. She is teaching courses of Modern Chinese and Sociolinguistics.

2.Education Background

Bachelor degree, Chinese Department, Inner Mongolia University, 1994.

Master degree, Chinese Department, Nankai University, 2002.

Doctor degree, Chinese Department, Nankai University, 2005.

3.Positions & Employments

2005- present: teacher of Chinese Department, School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Tianjin University.


Modern Chinese, History of Chinese Literature, Sociolinguistics, Applied Linguistics, Introduction to The Spring and Autumn Annals

5.Academic achievements


1)Wang Yufeng. Distinct Features of Mak Language and Lexical Semantic System. Minority Language of China. 2012(4): 62-65.

2)Wang Yufeng. Color Words in Language Contact of Mo Language. 2008(2): 56-60.

3)Wang Yufeng. The Variation of the Tone from the Difference between the Old and New Tone System in Jining Dialect of Inner Mongolia. Zhongguo Yuwen, 2006 (1):41-44.

4)Wang Yufeng. Three Development Stages of "Jining Putonghua". The 4th National Conference on Sociolinguistics Collective papers, 2006.

5)Wang Yufeng. An Analysis on the Tone Variation of Jining. Nankai Linguistics. 2005(1) :43-48.

6)Wang Yufeng. Mak:A Language Results from The Contact Between Members of the Same Group. Nankai University, 2005.

7)Wang Yufeng. The Tone Change of Mak in Fangcun for Sixty Years. Minority Language of China. 2004(5).

6.Honors & Awards

To be updated

7.Contact Information

Address: RM373, Building No.33, Tianjin University Peiyang Park Campus


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Post Code:300350

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